Wednesday, June 29, 2005
World's End Pilgrimage

On the 19th June, we had a family pilgrimage to Chelsea. Here is Dennis, brother of Stan Hartwell, outside No.4 Guinness Trust Buildings.
You can see more photos from our trip here.
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
More Photos
This site has a series of photographs of the power station.
Monday, June 06, 2005
Before there was a World's End

The Thames at Battersea by David Cox, 1824. If you want to see the original, it's in the National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
A conundrum . . .

This is a frame from the 1952 Ealing Studios film "I Believe in You". That's Cecil Parker walking toward what is obviously Lots Road, but which street is it? And aren't those prefabs?
Lots Road by Night

The Power Station, 26 November 1931. The two chimneys on the Lots Road side of the plant were removed in the 1960s. From the Daily Herald Archive/Science & Society Picture Library.
Cremorne Gates
A small public park between Chelsea Wharf and the Chelsea Yacht & Boat Co., south of Lots Road, is the only remnant of the original Cremorne Gardens. Looking unfeasably grand in these ordinary surroundings are . . . 
a set of original gates from the park.

a set of original gates from the park.

Here's the Council plaque adjacent to the gates. Eight tonnes of cast iron, no less. Looking at the map it would appear that there were more than one set of these gates at the King's Road entrance to the park.
The Power Station

Taken from the junction of Uverdale Road and Burnaby Street. It's obvious from this view that any kind of attack on the Station would have threatened those living in its shadow.
Chelsea Creek

Taken from the bridge leading to the Chelsea Harbour development. Chelsea Creek is the mouth of Counter's Creek, a buried stream which rises in Kensal Green. The Creek forms the boundary between the Boroughs of Hammersmith & Fulham and Kensington & Chelsea. The West London and District Line railway was built over its former bed and the bridge carrying Fulham Road over the Creek gave its name to Stamford Bridge Stadium.